Who North America (warehouse)
Visit them online at whona.com
This weekend we had the opportunity to visit the Who North America warehouse here in Indianapolis, IN. If you’re not familiar with them they are an online retailer where you can order a lot of Doctor Who, and other Science Fiction show merchandise.
Usually once a month they open the warehouse (located in Camby, IN) to the public so people can have a look around, and buy directly from them. They even have their own personal collection on display, there’s a viewing room where you can relax and watch some Doctor Who, and you can also hang out and play some Doctor Who pinball. We happen to be local, so we stopped by.
Their items are decently priced, and are often less expensive than you can find on other sites. For example, they sell T-Shirts for $15.50 each, I see these same shirts on other sites for over $20. You can find all kinds of things there, collectible figures, books, audio books, toys, games, imports that I haven’t seen anywhere else, Jelly Babies, and more!
So if you’re looking for merchandise from Doctor Who, Sarah Jane Adventures, Torchwood, Stargate SG1, and a few other science fiction shows, then check out their site. If you happen to live in the area you really should stop by next time the Who North America warehouse is open to the public. It’s a fun experience, and you get to meet other great Whovians. You also have the option to contact them and schedule an appointment to visit.
You can follow WhoNA on facebook & twitter.
If you’re able to visit their warehouse don’t forget to get a picture of yourself with the TARDIS!
On our first trip there we managed some self control, and didn’t give them all our money, even though we wanted to, but we did buy a few things…

In pic: NintendoDS Slipcase with Stylus, The Coming of Terraphiles (book), Jelly Babies, The Writer’s Tale (book), 50th Anniversary Tee, Series 7 BluRay, TARDIS Tee and 50th Anniversary button set.