- Posted September 16, 2012
- Written By Ken
So it should be pretty obvious by now that I am firmly in the Android camp. I simply love my Android devices and have no desire to ever pick up any kind of Apple product. I do still pay attention to the tech news regarding Apple though. Like the iPhone 5 launch. There were quite…
Continue Reading “Samsung takes pot-shots at iPhone 5 with hilarious new ad”
- Posted July 25, 2012
- Written By Ken
Being the Sci-Fi / Tech geek that I am, there was just something about the Nexus 7 that I couldn’t resist getting. It is now my first purchase in the tablet world, and the first Android tablet that I’ve had any interest in. Anyways, work has been pretty busy lately so I haven’t been able…
Continue Reading “Geek Toy – Google Nexus 7 Unboxing”
- Posted May 25, 2012
- Written By Ken
Watch me open up my new EVO 4G LTE. More to come down the road.
- Posted May 15, 2012
- Written By Ken
Seeing that I’ve got my new HTC EVO 4G LTE (cripes I hate that name) on pre-order, you can pretty well expect that I’m gonna talk about it on here. I’m thinking I’m gonna have at least two posts on it, I want to do some comparing to the original EVO and just discuss things…
Continue Reading “Coming soon…”
- Posted May 7, 2012
- Written By Ken
It’s that time! It’s been almost two years since I picked up my original HTC EVO 4G. Today at 9:00 am, I pre-ordered the HTC EVO 4G LTE. Btw, Sprint, that really is just a terrible, horrible name. Seriously. Can I smack whoever does your marketing? Please? HTC started this whole “One” thing for a…
Continue Reading “The HTC EVO 4G LTE is now pre-ordered! It shall be mine!”
- Posted March 4, 2012
- Written By Ken

Sony NEX 5N
Photography’s always been something that I’ve had a mild interest in. I never could actually do anything about that interest, due to my lack of a real camera.
Well lately I’ve decided it was time to correct that situation, so I am now the owner of a Sony NEX 5N mirrorless camera. And let me tell you, this thing is well worth the cash I dropped for it.
Seeing that the only thing I’ve had to take pictures with up till now is my cameraphone, the word upgrade seems a bit of an understatement.
So, how about getting some specs out there.
This camera is rocking a 16.1 megapixel APS-C sensor, 10 fps continuous shooting mode, up to 1080 / 60p AVCHD video capture, a touch-enabled 3-inch LCD, and a maximum ISO of 25,600.
Continue Reading “Sony NEX 5N, My noobish thoughts”