Starcraft II Heart of the Swarm Unboxing
Also, too many games, not enough time!
I just had to pick up the Heart of the Swarm Collector’s Edition expansion for Starcraft 2 today. It has really been so crazy for me lately with gaming, and all the stuff that’s been coming out lately. SimCity, WoW patch 5.2, new Mass Effect 3 DLC, and now this! Oh, and the last content patch for Battlefield 3 has also been released today.
Damnit game companies, I don’t have infinite time to play all these games!
Anyways, we did a little unboxing video for Starcraft II Heart of the Swarm, check it out!
I’ve always been a huge Starcraft fan, since the original game. Though I do have to say I’ve never been much of a multiplayer person with Starcraft. I’m just not that good at this type of game, so I tend to stay away from that part unless I’m playing with friends. I would like to play more Starcraft multiplayer however.
And now, I’m off to play the game, because the updating got done a lot quicker than I thought it would! ZERG RUSH!