- Posted May 23, 2013
- Written By Lynn
This isn’t about the correct pronunciation of GIF, it’s about people taking it way too seriously, which caused a small incident on our facebook page, that also spilled over onto my personal facebook.
Continue Reading “Nerd Rant: The GIF Drama”
- Posted April 26, 2013
- Written By Lynn
Whenever we set foot in a movie theater we always find out that our movie neighbors are extremely inconsiderate. Which causes me to throw chewed up gum at them hoping it will stick to their clothes or hair. What, like I’m the only one who does that?
Continue Reading “People at the Movies”
- Posted April 23, 2013
- Written By Lynn
This has been a gripe of mine for a very long time. The fact that the word “introvert” is used as if it means something bad. Used to describe introverted people as being loners, and losers who are unusually shy, lack confidence, and are “anti-social”. Believed to live in their parents basement, and having no lives. This is…
Continue Reading “Nerd Rant: Introvert”
- Posted January 30, 2013
- Written By Lynn
As I was creating a StumbleUpon account for ‘Awkward Geeks’ use I saw this, which is basically a standard question on most sites, and one I never give much thought to:

Since there were only those two options (some sites have a ‘rather not say’ option), and because I happen to be female, that’s what I clicked. I hesitated when I read the words, “This helps us find the best content for you”. I briefly wondered if I should chose ‘Male’ instead, even though I wanted to believe that they would not have a system that makes suggestions about what my interests are based on knowing nothing more than my gender. Because that would be silly.
Continue Reading “StumbleUpon and Gender Stereotyping”
- Posted January 25, 2013
- Written By Lynn
One of the things we find rude on twitter are the people who follow just to get get more followers. You know, the ones who stop following once you follow them back. We like to keep an eye on that stuff (there’s plenty of sites out there to help with that, like FriendOrFollow). These people…
Continue Reading “Nerd Rant: Twitter Unfollowers”