Disney Closes LucasArts

LucasArts closing feels like a sad day for gamers.

Disney Closes LucasArts

You’ve likely heard the news by now, but if not, Disney has decided to close LucasArts. LucasArts was responsible for such classics as X-Wing, Tie Fighter, Dark Forces (which eventually lead to Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast, a very important game for me personally). Seeing them get shut down is really sad to me, and disappointing considering what they had on their plates to come out soon.

When I was growing up, many of my favorite games came out of LucasArts. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve played X-Wing, and Tie Fighter was even better in my opinion. I do have to say that I never played any of the Monkey Island games, just something I seem to have missed out on. For me it was really the Star Wars games that I gravitated towards.

Rebel Assault was another game that I remember playing back in the day, though I never owned it.

Jedi Outcast ScreenshotMy biggest LucasArts memory has to be Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast. This game, in no small part changed my life. I just happened to join the right multiplayer server at the right time, and ended up making quite a few friends. We created a clan that was called They Might Be Jedi, and even though we haven’t played that game in quite a long time, a lot of us are still friends, I still speak with many of them every day. I of course also have to thank Raven Software for that game as well.

More recently I enjoyed The Force Unleashed, though I never got around to playing the sequel.

And last E3, I got really excited for the footage that was released for Star Wars: 1313. The prospects for that game had gotten me really excited, and it just kinda sucks that it’s now cancelled.

So, I just have to say, screw you Disney. And best of luck to all those who lost their jobs from this, I hope you all the best.

Source: Kotaku