Blackberry, oh Blackberry…
Oh poor Blackberry. They just can’t seem to catch a break lately. All the issues with the Blackberry services going down, losing massive amounts of market share to iPhone and Android. It’s kinda sad.
I used to rock a Blackberry Curve. I was so happy to get my first smartphone and check out all the cool things I could do with this device that was so small. Of course, with how tech moves, I look back to that and think about how ancient that device was. A physical keyboard?! HAH!
Here’s the problem that I see with Blackberry. They really haven’t gotten beyond what they were back then. Where their competitors have been racing ahead, cramming new tech and flooding with apps and things to do, Blackberry has stayed more or less stagnant. Sure they’ve got apps, they’ve got a touchscreen phone, but it all feels like a half-hearted attempt at catchup.
They almost remind me of an automotive company, which keeps churning out the same car year after year, not much in the way of changes. Look at the Bold. Has that really changed all that much compared to when it was introduced? Some minor things here and there, but it’s mostly the same device. You don’t get the wow factor that comes with the newest Android powerhouse.

I feel like I've seen this before somewhere....
These days the only people interested in Blackberry seem to be enterprise professionals and such. But even that’s gonna go away with Google and Apple making pushes into that space. It certainly doesn’t help any to have their entire services go down right as a new iPhone is launching. I would not be surprised to find there were quite a few people that were gonna pick up a Blackberry, saw that and went, “Yeah, no I’ll just go this way instead”.
I’m really not sure what Blackberry could do to keep up, I’m no market analyst or anything. Maybe they should be considering porting their key services over to Android and building an Android device or two? That could be interesting for sure.
But I’m sure what they really want to do is make their Blackberry OS explode into massive usage.
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