Awkward Geeks Site Changes
There are some changes happening on our site. We’re trying to become more organized, and be more user friendly, plus there’s a new blogger, and more!
Site Redesign:
Ken has been working on a site redesign and we’re hoping to launch that at some point this weekend.
New Blogger:
Amanda will be joining us, posting about 1-2 times a month. Her topics will usually be about anime, manga, and cosplay. You can learn a little about her in the ‘About‘ section.
Regular Series:
“This Week in Geek” – It will mostly be about things that caught our attention during the week. which could be anything from comics, tech, movies, geek toys, online goodness, and so on.
“Geek Fashion” – It’s just something to have some fun with, and talk about geek & gamer clothes. We decided to do this when I recently became obsessed with buying a bunch of Wonder Woman clothes, shoes, etc, and joked around about how that’s my idea of “fashion”.
“Geek Home Decorating” will probably be monthly, or quarterly. We got this idea when I was complaining about how Home Improvement shows don’t let geeks be geeks. They take away anything that would represent the home owners interests, and make everything generic. That just seems wrong to us.